The Dream Logic And Your Mental Health

Dreams are incomprehensible when we look at them based on our conscience. Our conscience is ignorant and idiotic because it is one-sided. It works based on one psychological function and a half instead of using the four psychological functions we have at our disposal: thoughts, feelings, sensations, and intuition.We have inherited a wild conscience that occupies the biggest part of our brain and psyche; the anti-conscience, which tries to destroy our conscience through absurdity. On the other hand, our world is a living hell camouflaged by hypocrisy and ruled by those who have financial power and use violence to impose their decisions.What we believe to be good or reasonable is in fact bad and absurd. We don’t know the difference between what is good or bad because we believe in the lies of the world, besides being ignorant and under-developed.This is why we cannot understand the dream logic. For example, many people have nightmares. They become irritated because they cannot peacefully sleep. However, nightmares are important alarms. Those who are tormented by nightmares must open their eyes and stop making serious mistakes.Nightmares and bad dreams reflect mental illnesses and negative future consequences. They are showing you that you have to urgently stop making mistakes and save your life, your mental health, and your peace of mind. You cannot keep having an indifferent attitude.I remember that when I was a young adult I had many nightmares. I got married to the wrong person. My husband told me many times that I used to talk out loud during my sleep. I had many vivid dreams.I remember that I had many dreams about suddenly falling down, which were predicting serious deceptions in the future. I had to understand that my marriage was a mistake before being shocked for suddenly understanding that my husband was a liar. He was taking advantage of my goodness and my ignorance, since Greece was a foreign country for me, even though my parents are Greek and I have many Greek relatives.I helped my husband very much in the factory we had together. He knew that I was intelligent and sincere and he was manipulating me.I was intelligent, but not as much as I used to be when I was a child. After facing a tragic car accident when I was a teen, I became neurotic and I started acting like an idiot. This is why I decided to get married to a man I didn’t really love. He didn’t love me too. He only wanted to have my support in life. He was in fact a boy who was looking for a mother, and not a wife.This marriage couldn’t work, but when I understood that my marriage was a mistake I was pregnant. I also had many other problems because my young cousin Efi died and my mother-in-law died three days after her, exactly when I was in the sixth month of my pregnancy. My husband’s personality completely changed. He lost his sense of humor and he became aggressive. He always was complaining about everything.My dreams at that period of time were trying to show me that I would have a big deception when I would understand how wrong I was for getting married to the wrong person. Fortunately, at that time I started seriously caring about finding psychotherapy through dream translation, and I discovered that only Carl Jung’s method of dream interpretation worked for all types of dreams.I could mention many similar examples. Many people have dreams about falling down and suddenly getting to the bottom. Some people believe that they are fine and they have no reason to be alarmed by a nightmare, but they ignore many things.The organization of the dream images follows the dream logic, and it is based on what is happening with the dreamer’s mental health. The dream logic is based on sanctity. The unconscious mind that produces our dreams is God’s mind. Therefore, our dreams are organized based on the truth concerning our mental condition, and based on God’s judgment.God can see the influence of the anti-conscience in our conscience. God knows how the future will be unfolded. This is why the dream messages contain an incomprehensible wisdom for our under-developed conscience.We have to get used with God’s justice, which is based on goodness. Goodness is based on compassion, but also on the elimination of what is bad. God doesn’t agree with your negligence and with our conformism. We have to truly transform the negative characteristics of our personality into positive ones.God doesn’t accept negotiations. We have to really transform our absurd and evil tendencies into positive reactions, without accepting what is bad in any circumstance.This is very difficult in the beginning, since we are natural actors and we instinctively believe we have to protect our ego. We wear a social mask that hides our real thoughts from the world. We prefer to close our eyes to what is unfair because we don’t want to have the trouble to correct anything. We are very absurd in many ways, but we don’t understand our absurdity, or we understand that we have absurd desires, but we hide our intentions from the world.This means that we have contrasting reactions and beliefs and we don’t want to admit our mistakes. This is why we don’t want to accept the truth about our satanic nature.On the other hand, we don’t want to change our behavior and stop being violent. We prefer to ignore the truth and indifferently insist on making the same mistakes.Now that you have this vision you can understand that all dreams follow a logical sequence, but this sequence cannot be perceived by our conscience because of our absurdity.There is a logical organization between the dream images when you know the meaning of the dream symbols and you follow the dream logic, which is based on sanctity and wisdom. In order to understand this organization you have to learn the dream language the same way you learn any foreign language.The dream language is made only by images. Now all images can be automatically translated into comprehensible words. I managed to discover the meaning of many dream symbols that Carl Jung ignored and I could better understand the dream logic. My simplifications facilitate your studies, helping you easily understand God’s words in dreams.

Engraved Gifts For Girls

Sometimes it’s hard to pick that perfect gift for the special lady in your life. Do you go for an old classic such as perfume or flowers, or do you try your luck with something new and quirky – a latest album, a new gizmo or a fashion?The trouble is that we’re all a little strapped for cash at the moment, and wish to use our stretched budgets to the greatest effect! This doesn’t mean avoiding present giving, but it does mean choosing gifts that will have meaning and go the difference! As well as it being a necessity to avoid ‘novelty’ and disposable junk during credit crunched times, environmental issues are also becoming hot topics, and increasingly people want to pick items which will last for a long time and not end up relegated to a dusty drawer or shelf – or end up being thrown out after one or two uses!As well as considering the gifts that last the test of time, consider the level of personalisation that the best gifts posses. Sometimes the best gifts of all are those which have a special meaning attached. Think back to those gifts you treasured yourself in the past – a handwritten card, a hand-made photo frame, maybe a hand-stitched teddy when you were a child! All of these gifts have something in common – they are very personal and have that additional touch on them which says that they’re just for you – and delivered with love and thoughtfulness.For this reason engraved gifts are becoming increasingly popular. For a long while they were relatively forgotten about and simply available on a small range of gifts such as trophies, sports cups, corporate items and clocks. However now there are a huge range of innovative and quirky engraved gifts which combine the best of both worlds – beautiful and enduring items that have a lot of personal significance, and also practical uses.There are engraved gifts that are suitable for christenings and new babies – such as christening bracelets, commemorative cutlery sets for baby’s first use, engraved hairbrushes etc. You can find a range of engraved gifts for anniversaries, weddings and birthdays such as engraved champagne flutes, pewter tankards and shot glasses. There are also a wide range of ‘just because’ engraved gifts that can be used for any number of occasions – decorative paperweights, love tokens, boxes and other trinkets which will be happily received by all.If you are looking to select a personal present with your own thoughtful message on, then look at these examples of engraved gifts for some ideas to charm the lady in your life!Engraved Gift Box with Heart Necklace and Earrings
This is a gorgeous and classy gift for a special person. The matching set contains a beautiful sterling silver heart necklace, and some matching heart earrings, all carefully displayed in a stylish chrome box with your chosen message on of up to 50 characters. It’s a really unique gift that will be treasured by any lady and definitely show her how much you care! These types of engraved gifts are very romantic, and whenever she wears the jewellery she’ll be able to read the message on the gift box and be reminded of the generous person who gave it to her! Definitely a gift to get pulses racing!Engraved Silver Plated Love Heart Sweet
If romance is your aim, and then there’s little more romantic than the famous Love Heart sweets! Remember swapping them in the playground when you were children? Well now you can go one up, with a beautiful real silver Love Heart, which is a faithful replica of the favourite sweet, and features ‘I love you’ on the front, and a unique message from you to her engraved on the back. The Love Heart comes in a gift box, and is the ultimate romantic and loving gift to make her day! Even better, it’s small enough to be popped into a bag, or on her pillow for a surprise gift.With these engraved gifts you’ll be well on the way to making her day and showing just how special she is to you. Don’t just leave it at just a gift either – go the extra mile and treat her to a day of your time and pampering, such as taking her for a special meal, taking her for a day out, or even just making things special at home and making sure she has a day’s rest away from the daily grind!Don’t forget things like cards either – they are also treasured for being very personal. She’ll certainly thank you for it, and the smile on her face will make all your efforts well worth it!

Link Popularity – Step by Step Guide to Attracting Inbound Links Through Google News, Part 1

There are a number of ways you can get free traffic from Google News. And it is important to note that you do not have to be from CNN to get a considerable number of visitors from the site. To give you an example, if I use the site command, to search for a site’s content will you have to do is enter a lease sites address within the search for on the News site.So, here is what you do, just enter the website address and see how many pages from it are listed.Okay, a particular site may have 75 links. And it is worth noting that Google only keeps news articles as far as I am aware for the last 30 days. So there are 75 news articles from a do it yourself site from the last 30 days…and this site-depending on the niche it falls within were the industry, it may list its blog with news and articles, then obviously, they submit it, or they suggest to Google News that their site would be a good news source, and Google then approved it.So if your site gets approved by Google as a news source, you can get a lot of traffic and a lot of visitors from people visiting the news site. So, having your highly optimized niche content listed on this site can bring you a huge amount of link popularity and inbound links from one of the top websites on the Internet.If you want to submit your content to the site or find out if they will list your information, go to the home page, and scroll down to the bottom. The link you are interested in is “About Google News.” If you click that, and this is quite a long page, scroll down.You want to look for a listing that says “What if I don’t see my favorite news source on the site?” You can get in touch with them here and suggest a news source. You want to click on, “I want to recommend a news source.” So obviously, if your site does have news and is up-to-date, and it may perhaps help if your site is industry specific rather than a general news site. So, if you feel that your site is relevant for submission, there is no harm at all in suggesting it as a content source. You have nothing to lose but everything to gain in the form of link popularity and attracting a greater amount of inbound links.However, if you do not have such a site currently set up, it can be quite a lot of work to set one up and keep it updated very regularly, and it is a possibility that Google News will not approve a site that is brand new. You know, obviously, a site that has been around longer generally has more authority, so, you know, that may be something to keep in mind.If you are out to attract prospective customers and develop your online presence and exposure, you owe it to yourself and the financial future of your business to learn everything you can about Internet marketing.Want to learn more Internet marketing techniques on how to build a successful businesses online?Download it free here: Secrets of Internet Marketing

3 Tips To Maximize Your Google Local Business Maps Listing

Each and every marketplace and industry is getting more and more competitive by the day. Before we even consider the changes from the consumer behavior side of this formula, you NEED TO UNDERSTAND how to adapt and maximize the free tools available to expose and capture the free and targeted traffic that your Google Local Business Maps listing can provide to you.Were you aware that 46% OF BUSINESSES are still without a website – amazing isn’t it? Now you may be thinking this statistic was from January of 2000, but I nearly fell out of my chair when doing market research in January, 2011.Also, according to an independent internet research company (The Kelsey Group), 31% of households PREFER USING THE INTERNET FIRST when gathering information about a product or service – and many of those searches are local, via Google Local Business Maps Listings, Yahoo and Bing Pages.You may also be shocked to find out that 86% of searches that reach a website locally follow their search up with a phone call. For the proactive searchers that live within a 6 mile radius from that business, they’re 90% ready-to-buy and want to do so once contacting a local business, so get your cash registers ready.Below are 3 Tips To Maximize Your Google Local Business Maps Listing:1. Fill Out All Of The Fields Google Asks You To- Because Google is what’s called a relevant based search engine, those business owners that obey their rules will be most rewarded. Typically, search engines don’t care about what your personal preferences are… so just follow their lead to get handsomely rewarded with free traffic, leads and then convert in the house.2. A Good Picture Is Worth Thousands Of Dollars – Instead of putting in space-holder pictures in your 5 allotted Goggle Maps/Google Places page, use this “prime real estate” to drive sales and willing-to-buy prospects to your company website. This prime real estate can also be a significant boost at getting your website to the top of Google.I’d strongly recommend finding a graphics person who’s handy in Photoshop or Illustrator (both Adobe programs) to create high-end coupons that will prompt prospects to call and visit your business.3. The Power Of Persuasive Videos Is Prominent These Days – It has been proven by the numbers that video marketing is starting to dominate. Think about human nature for a minute, do more people watch TV or read books? So why is your website and Google Maps/Google Places page only text and images? Don’t you want to give people what they are looking for?The 4 major search engines have seen significant growth in the local landscape. This area of business online has fast become the largest growing sector on the entire internet… but regardless of what you think or feel, just listen to the people that knows more about this stuff than you.I fought it for years – and lost every time! So if you want to maximize your Google Local Business Maps listing then do what the experts are telling you, we did and our business is positioned and prime to thrive for a long time because of it!